Ensuring Business Continuity with Secure and Robust Solutions

Navigating the Global IT Outage

Navigating the Global IT Outage: Ensuring Business Continuity with Secure and Robust Solutions 

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Today (July 19, 2024), a significant IT outage has disrupted crucial services. Many sectors are affected, highlighting the need for resilient technology. The dreaded Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) has been seen on a grand scale. 

While the cause has been identified and the fix deployed, there is sure to be lasting impact over the coming days as businesses count the cost and rebuild their Operations. 

What do we know so far? 

  • Transportation: Planes, trains and services are facing operational chaos. Trains in the UK are experiencing widespread outages with 14 operators experiencing difficulties. Airports are reporting significant delays. 90% of flights at London’s Gatwick and Stansted airports were delayed or cancelled. Some airlines are resorting to hand-written boarding cards. 
  • Banking: Several banks and financial institutions have reported interruptions to online banking services. Major concerns about operational continuity. 
  • Health Services have declared a critical incident with certain treatments affected. GP services around the UK have also been disrupted. 
  • Supermarkets: Some outlets across the UK are only accepting cash with card payments unavailable. Approximately 75% of the issues were check out related. 
  • Media: Broadcasting interruptions have affected news and entertainment with many broadcasters. 

Search data shows that the term “blue screen of death” have skyrocketed globally.  


As IT teams race to restore normality businesses are reminded of their reliance on hardware, software and connectivity. 

Are you resilient? 

The Importance of Business Continuity  

Enter Kappture; a high-security OS and our proprietary software keeps your business moving; whether you’re running a busy stadium, overseeing operations at a corporate or education campus, or managing large-scale events, continuous service is paramount.  

Kappture’s robust Operating System is tailored to meet the unique demands of diverse industries. 

Why Robust Solutions Matter 

  1. Maintain Operations: Network down? No problem. All we need is a power cable. Offline-capable tech ensures business continuity. 
  2. Protect Revenue: No downtime means continuous transactions, safeguarding your income. 
  3. Customer Experience: Consistent service, even during outages, helps build trust and satisfaction. 
  4. Business Continuity: Resilient tech is the backbone of your continuity plan. Maintain operational stability no matter what. 

Robust Uninterrupted Service Solutions  

We know the show must go on. Integrating Kappture’s high-security OS and proprietary software into your operations means your business stays resilient. Our EPOS systems, designed for seamless offline operation. With just a power cable, you’re good to go, even when the network isn’t. 

In light of this latest global IT storm, it’s clear that investing in robust, offline-capable technology is the smart move. Be prepared for anything. 


Want to know more? 

Ready to bolster your business against unexpected outages?  

Discover more about Kappture’s Uninterrupted Service and keep your operations running smoothly, no matter what. 
